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UDC-ACE is the only emulsion in our product range that is suitable for use with all inks, whether water-based, solvent-based, plastisol-based or UV-based. It can also be used with products that are difficult to pass through silk, such as adhesives. It is not sold ready to use. Before use, the diazo powder in the package should be dissolved in drinking water and added to the emulsion. It is recommended to be used after mixing it very well with the help of a wooden or plastic stick, waiting for the air bubbles to disappear. The shelf life of the mixture prepared for use is 2 months.




It is suitable for use in automatic emulsion coating machines.

It shows high resistance for big amount prints.

It is very resistant to heat and moisture.

It is resistant to high pressure water and solvent.

It is blue in color.


Technical Data Sheet - Download PDF

Package: 1 Gallon veya 1 Kg 

  • Model: 024